Blackhorn 209—the clean, reliable powder that delivers every time.
Blackhorn 209 is a high performance propellant made for muzzleloaders and black powder cartridges. Consistently shoot at higher velocities and with greater accuracy. Shop Blackhorn 209 and smoke the competition.
Multiple sites are now impersonating the Hodgdon Powder Company or our brands like Hodgdon, IMR, Winchester Smokeless Propellants, Accurate Powder or Ramshot.
Blackhorn 209 is a low residue, high performance propellant made for muzzleloaders and black powder cartridges. It is engineered to consistently shoot at higher velocities and with greater accuracy than any other muzzleloader powder available today. In fact, if you compare the advantages of Blackhorn 209, you will quickly see there are nine areas where Blackhorn 209 simply smokes the competition:
This information is intended to be used as a reference. Each individual must determine what is the best and safest load for their equipment. The loads described on this site were generated at the ballistics test facilities of Western Powders, Inc. in accordance with SAAMI (Shooting Arms and Ammunition Institute) guidelines. All loads were fired through test barrels and individual results fired through different firearms may vary. Shooters are cautioned to read and follow safe loading practices as indicated by your firearm manufacturer.
Blackhorn 209 is designed to work with standard 209 shotshell primers. For the best results, we recommend the following brands:
We DO NOT recommend any of the 209 primers designated for muzzleloaders (Winchester Triple 7, CCI MZL, Federal Fusion, or Remington Kleanbore). These primers are all weaker than standard shotshell 209 primers and do not provide adequate ignition for Blackhorn 209 – especially when used in a poorly designed breech plug system. We also DO NOT recommend #11 percussion caps or musket caps.
The looser the primer fit the more blow back you can expect and the less likely you are to transmit sufficient gas and flame to the powder. Observe the condition of your primers after firing. If they are largely black, you are getting excessive blow back. Below is an example of same brand primer fired in two different muzzleloaders.
If your primer looks like the one on the right, call your gun manufacturer.
Not only does this result in a large loss of energy in the wrong direction, the escaping gasses leave excessive fouling in the breech area. These gasses can also exit the gun, cause damage your scope and is not considered safe. Safety glasses should always be worn when shooting a firearm.
Blackhorn 209 requires a properly functioning ignition chamber more so than black powder and lower quality substitutes. Regular cleaning and proper ignition are key to staying on target.
Nothing effects the performance of your muzzleloader more than the breech plug. It is very important that it be as clean as possible.
To maximize the performance of your firearm, we strongly recommend you clean it regularly using oil based solvents.
It is important to understand what can cause ignition problems and the appropriate steps that may be taken to resolve these issues.
Blackhorn 209 was specifically designed for modern in-line muzzleloaders with sealed ignition systems using standard 209 shotshell primers. Check with your rifle’s manufacturer for compatibility.
NO. #11 percussion caps, or musket caps do not have sufficient strength to ignite Blackhorn 209.
The most common cause of hang-fires is a fouled breech plug. Breech plugs accumulate primer residue on the walls of the flash channel that continually reduces the size of the hole (this is not to be confused with the flash hole, which is the small hole at the end of the flash channel). As residue accumulates in the flash channel, the hole becomes smaller and does not allow sufficient flame to reach the powder. The residue buildup is very difficult to see with the naked eye, but this accumulation of residue will hinder ignition by effectively reducing the strength of the primer, which also affects consistency and accuracy. Regular cleaning of the flash channel is necessary to keep the channel clean and free of residue.
We have experienced the best performance, consistency and accuracy with CCI 209M and Federal 209A. NOTE: DO NOT use 209 muzzleloading primers such as Winchester Triple 7, Remington Kleenbore, Federal Fusion, or CCI In-Line MZL.
Yes. If you prefer to weigh charges, you can convert the volume load recommendations into weighed grains by multiplying the volume load by 0.7. Example: 100 units by volume x 0.7 = 70 grains by weight. 110 volume charge x 0.7 = 77 grains by weight.
Static can be present in plastics that cause the Blackhorn 209 granules to stick. This can be eliminated by coating the inside of the plastic loader with dry graphite or wiping the inside down with an anti-static dryer sheet commonly used when drying laundry.
Typically, guns are rated for 150 grains of black powder or Pyrodex. Blackhorn 209 is more energetic and will achieve or exceed the velocities of Pyrodex with less powder. See our load data page for maximum volumetric charges.
We always recommend that you start with a fresh powder charge every day. Although Blackhorn 209 is far less hygroscopic than any other black powder substitutes, barrel “sweating” can put moisture directly in contact with the powder and may affect powder performance. Why take the chance of missing the next mornings great shot?
Volumetric Units are NOT the same as weight in grains. Blackhorn is used by volume and therefore the charge is a measurement by volume. A volume charge is measured with a standard black powder measure. It is not weighed and a setting of 100 does not mean that you have 100 grains by weight, not even black powder. The loading densities of all substitutes and grades of black powder are different. The same volume of any will yield different weights of powder.
No. There are currently no plans to offer Blackhorn 209 in pellet form. Charge tubes specifically designed for Blackhorn are available that can be pre-loaded by the user and are more convenient than using pellets. Using charge tubes allows you to fine tune your load to what performs best with your rifle, bullet/sabot combination.
Use ONLY oil-based solvents. DO NOT use black powder cleaners that are water-based. We recommend Blackhorn 209 Solvent by Montana X-Treme.
NO. #11 percussion caps, or musket caps do not have sufficient strength to ignite Blackhorn 209.